Saturday, January 25, 2014

Jung Typology Test Results

I just took the Jung Typology test online. The result were not to my surprise. I am an ISFJ: Introvert (22%), Sensing (12%), Feeling (50%), and Judging (1%). This means that I prefer slightly more introversion than extraversion and sensing over intuition. I have a moderate preference of feeling over thinking, and barely judging over perceiving. I agree with these result almost the exact percentage.

Introvert - I would rather stay home and watch a movie. At the same time, I like going out with friends; and I don't have a lot of trouble talking to people if I have to.

Sensing - I like to be in the moment rather than what I know is the right thing to do. I also know that I need to keep myself grounded with my roots and know right from wrong.

Feeling - I am a compassionate person. I want everyone around me to be happy; even if that means that I have to do something that I would prefer not to do. I do think about a lot of things but I don't always put them to action when I am around people.

Judging - The way I judge and perceive things are very similar. If I judge something one way, then I will perceive it in the same way.

I believe this will help me with my college writing in knowing what type of readings I would prefer to read over others. Also, it helps with the fact that I want to something in the health field. Which means I need to have many of these personality traits.

If you ever want to find out what your typology is, take the test:


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